Veterinary science as a subject concerns the treatment of a range of different animals – from domestic pets to farmyard animals – and combines an array of subjects like anatomy and animal behaviour, as well as niche subjects like parasitology (the study of parasites) and gastroenterology (the study of the stomach and intestines). 

Many of the subject areas covered during a veterinary science degree crossover with medical degrees, such as preventative care, psychological analysis and neurology. However, as the patient is very different, courses have to offer animal-specific modules, like breeding, for instance. 

If you’re passionate about ensuring animal well-being, have a strong aptitude for scientific study and feel up to the challenge of dealing with all kinds of creatures – in both happy and sad circumstances – a veterinary science degree could be for you.

So how long does it take to qualify as a vet? Studying a veterinary science degree is challenging but rewarding and usually takes five or six years to complete. Students must be prepared to study for a relatively long period as, essentially, they are responsible for the health and safety of animals.